Advanced Usage

Adding Behavior: Executable Models

Using Python’s dynamic nature, PyEcore allows you to add any kind of behavior to your metamodel that will be launched on your model instance. You can add static and dynamic behavior to any metamodel, . The added behavior can be the implementation of an EOperation defined in your metamodel, or a new operation. Also, as PyEcore allows you to dynamically add new attributes to your class/metaclasses, you have the ability to add information that is not directly defined in your metamodel.

For Static and Dynamic Metamodels

The way of adding new behavior to your EClass is pretty straightforward. This example shows how to do it on a dynamic metamodel built on-the-fly:

from pyecore.ecore import EClass, EAttribute, EString
import pyecore.behavior # This import adds the behavior decorator to EClass

HelloWorld = EClass('HelloWorld')
HelloWorld.eStructuralFeatures.append(EAttribute('name', EString))

def greeting(self):
    print('Hello World and',

This example shows a new EClass being created. After it is created, an additional attribute (name) and additional behavior (greeting) is added to the class.

Now that our behavior is implemented, we can build an example model and launch it:

a = A() = 'guys'
# prints 'Hello World and guys'

The exact same process can be applied to a static metamodel. Considering that we have a generated metamodel named hello, the previous code becomes:

import pyecore.behavior # This import adds the behavior decorator to EClass
import hello

def greeting(self):
    print('Hello World and',

That’s all, the model creation/execution remains the same. The interesting thing about this is when you read your model from an XMI, your behavior is automatically added to your model. Also, using closure, you can conditionally inject a behavior or attribute to a model element. This provides the ability to dynamically change your model behavior if needed.

Caution: If you only need to add a single behavior on a static metamodel, a prefered solution is to use the mixin generation proposed by pyecoregen. The mixin generation proposes a strong and solid way of adding dedicated behavior to your metamodel.

For Dynamic Metamodels Read from an Ecore File

With the same flexibility, you can add behavior to your existing .ecore. To simplify this, you can make use of the DynamicEPackage helper. Here is an example of how to use it. Consider that we have an existing hello.ecore file, with the same metamodel as before:

from pyecore.resources import ResourceSet, URI
from pyecore.utils import DynamicEPackage
import pyecore.behavior # This import adds the behavior decorator to EClass

# Read the metamodel first
rset = ResourceSet()
mm_root = rset.get_resource(URI('hello.ecore')).contents[0]

# Register the metamodel (in case we open an XMI model later)
rset.metamodel_registry[mm_root.nsURI] = mm_root

# Get the metamodel helper
hello = DynamicEPackage(mm_root)

def greeting(self):
    print('Hello World and',

That’s it. Beside the metamodel loading, the good stuff is always the same than before. You can then either create instances or load an XMI model, and run your model. Assuming we have a model.xmi file:

model_root = rset.get_resource(URI('model.xmi')).contents[0]

Defining an Entry Point to your Executable Model

In the previous section, we saw that it is possible to add behavior to your metamodel and launch it by calling the defined behavior. However, this requires knowledge of the added behavior in order to run the appropriate one. PyEcore provides a way of defining the main entry point of your model. Currently, this entry point must be added to your root metaclass – the EClass that will provide the root of your model. The following example takes the same previous HelloWorld example, and adds an entry point:

def entry_point(self):

The entry point is defined by the @behavior.main annotation on a function. This function must also be marked as a behavior. One you’ve defined an entry point, you can use the run() method from the pyecore.behavior module to run your executable model:

# We obtain the model from an XMI
model_root = rset.get_resource(URI('model.xmi')).contents[0]

Note: the entry point can be defined with required or optional parameters:

def entry_point(self, i, x=None):
    print('Run', i, x)

model_root = rset.get_resource(URI('model.xmi')).contents[0], 5, x='test')


As full coded, ready to use, and explained example, check out the Executable Model Example: Finite State Machine example.

Modifying Elements Using Commands

PyEcore objects can be modified as shown previously, using basic Python operators, but these modifications cannot be undone. To do so, it is required to use Command and CommandStack. Each command represent a basic action that can be performed on an element (set/add/remove/move/delete):

>>> from pyecore.commands import Set
>>> # we assume have a metamodel with an EClass 'A' that owns a 'name' feature
>>> a = A()
>>> set = Set(owner=a, feature='name', value='myname')
>>> if set.can_execute:
...     set.execute()

If you use a simple command without CommandStack, the can_execute call is mandatory! It performs some prior computation before the actual command execution. Each executed command also supports ‘undo’ and ‘redo’:

>>> if set.can_undo:
...     set.undo()
>>> assert is None
>>> set.redo()
>>> assert == 'myname'

As with the execute() method, the can_undo call must be done before calling the undo() method. However, there is no can_redo, the redo() call can be made right away after an undo.

To compose all of these commands, a Compound is used. Basically, a Compound acts as a list with extra methods (execute, undo, redo…):

>>> from pyecore.commands import Compound
>>> a = A()  # we use a new A instance
>>> c = Compound(Set(owner=a, feature='name', value='myname'),
...              Set(owner=a, feature='name', value='myname2'))
>>> len(c)
>>> if c.can_execute:
...     c.execute()
>>> if c.can_undo:
...     c.undo()
>>> assert is None

In order to organize and keep a stack of each played command, a CommandStack can be used:

>>> from pyecore.commands import CommandStack
>>> a = A()
>>> stack = CommandStack()
>>> stack.execute(Set(owner=a, feature='name', value='myname'))
>>> stack.execute(Set(owner=a, feature='name', value='myname2'))
>>> stack.undo()
>>> assert == 'myname'
>>> stack.redo()
>>> assert == 'myname2'

Here is a quick review of each command:

  • Set –> sets a feature to a value for an owner

  • Add –> adds a value object to a feature collection from an owner object (Add(owner=a, feature='collection', value=b)). This command can also add a value at a dedicated index (Add(owner=a, feature='collection', value=b, index=0))

  • Remove –> removes a value object from a feature collection from an owner (Remove(owner=a, feature='collection', value=b)). This command can also remove an object located at an index (Remove(owner=a, feature='collection', index=0))

  • Move –> moves a value to a to_index position inside a feature collection (Move(owner=a, feature='collection', value=b, to_index=1)). This command can also move an element from a from_index to a to_index in a collection (Move(owner=a, feature='collection', from_index=0, to_index=1))

  • Delete –> deletes an element and its contained elements (Delete(owner=a))

Creating Your own URI

PyEcore uses URI to deal with opening, reading, writing and closing ‘streams’. A URI is used to give a file-like object to a Resource. The basic URI provides a way to read and write files on your system, which assumes the path used is a file system path. Abstract or logical paths are not serialized onto the disk. The class HttpURI opens a file-like object from a remote URL, but does not provide write operations.

As an example, in this section, we will create a StringURI that gives the resource the ability to read/write from/to a Python String.

class StringURI(URI):
def __init__(self, uri, text=None):
    super(StringURI, self).__init__(uri)
    if text is not None:
        self.__stream = StringIO(text)

def getvalue(self):
    return self.__stream.getvalue()

def create_instream(self):
    return self.__stream

def create_outstream(self):
    self.__stream = StringIO()
    return self.__stream

The StringURI class inherits from URI, and adds a new parameter to the constructor: text. In this class, the __stream attribute is handled in the URI base class, and inherited from it.

The constructor builds a new StringIO instance if a text is passed to this URI. This parameter is used when a string must be decoded. In this context, the create_instream() method is used to provide the __stream to read from. In this case, it only returns the stream created in the constructor.

The create_outstream() method is used to create the output stream. In this case, a simple StringIO instance is created.

Finally, the getvalue() method provides a way of getting the result of the load/save operation. The following code illustrate how the StringURI can be used:

# we have a model in memory in 'root'
uri = StringURI('myuri')
resource = rset.create_resource(uri)
print(uri.getvalue())  # we get the result of the serialization

mystr = uri.getvalue()  # we assume this is a new string
uri = StringURI('newuri', text=mystr)
resource = rset.create_resource(uri)
root = resource.contents[0]  # we get the root of the loaded resource

Dynamically Extending PyEcore Base Classes

PyEcore is extensible and there are two ways of modifying it: either by extending the basic concepts (as EClass, EStructuralFeature…), or by directly modifying the same concepts.

Extending PyEcore Base Classes

To extend the PyEcore base classes, the only thing to do is to create new EClass instances that have some base classes as superclass. The following excerpt shows how you can create an EClass instance that will add support EAnnotation to each created instance:

>>> from pyecore.ecore import *
>>> A = EClass('A', superclass=(EModelElement.eClass))  # we need to use '.eClass' to stay in the PyEcore EClass instance level
>>> a = A()  # we create an instance that has 'eAnnotations' support
>>> a.eAnnotations
>>> annotation = EAnnotation(source='testSource')
>>> annotation.details['mykey'] = 33
>>> a.eAnnotations.append(annotation)
>>> EOrderedSet([<pyecore.ecore.EAnnotation object at 0x7fb860a99f28>])

If you want to extend EClass, the process is mainly the same, but there is a twist:

>>> from pyecore.ecore import *
>>> NewEClass = EClass('NewEClass', superclass=(EClass.eClass))  # NewEClass is an EClass instance and an EClass
>>> A = NewEClass('A')  # here is the twist, currently, EClass instance MUST be named
>>> a = A()  # we can create 'A' instance
>>> a
<pyecore.ecore.A at 0x7fb85b6c06d8>

Modifying PyEcore Base Classes

PyEcore lets you dynamically add new features to the base class and thus introduce new feature for base classes instances:

>>> from pyecore.ecore import *
>>> EClass.new_feature = EAttribute('new_feature', EInt)  # EClass has now a new EInt feature
>>> A = EClass('A')
>>> A.new_feature
>>> A.new_feature = 5
>>> A.new_feature

Deep Journey Inside PyEcore

This section will provide some explanation of how PyEcore works.

EClass Instances as Factories

The most noticeable difference between PyEcore and Java-EMF implementation is the fact that there are no factories (as you probably already seen). Each EClass instance is itself a factory. This allows you to do this kind of tricks:

>>> A = EClass('A')
>>> eobject = A()  # We create an A instance
>>> eobject.eClass
<EClass name="A">
>>> eobject2 = eobject.eClass()  # We create another A instance
>>> assert isinstance(eobject2, eobject.__class__)
>>> from pyecore.ecore import EcoreUtils
>>> assert EcoreUtils.isinstance(eobject2, A)

In fact, each EClass instance creates a new Python class named after the EClass name with a strong relationship to it. Moreover, EClass is a callable and each time () is called on an EClass instance, an instance of the associated Python class is created. Here is a small example:

>>> MyClass = EClass('MyClass')  # We create an EClass instance
>>> type(MyClass)
>>> MyClass.python_class
>>> myclass_instance = MyClass()  # MyClass is callable, creates an instance of the 'python_class' class
>>> myclass_instance
<pyecore.ecore.MyClass at 0x7f64b697df98>
>>> type(myclass_instance)
# We can access the EClass instance from the created instance and go back
>>> myclass_instance.eClass
<EClass name="MyClass">
>>> assert myclass_instance.eClass.python_class is MyClass.python_class
>>> assert myclass_instance.eClass.python_class.eClass is MyClass
>>> assert myclass_instance.__class__ is MyClass.python_class
>>> assert myclass_instance.__class__.eClass is MyClass
>>> assert myclass_instance.__class__.eClass is myclass_instance.eClass

The Python class hierarchy (inheritance tree) associated with the EClass instance

>>> B = EClass('B')  # create a new B metaclass
>>> list(B.eAllSuperTypes())
>>> B.eSuperTypes.append(A)  # B inherits from A
>>> list(B.eAllSuperTypes())
{<EClass name="A">}
>>> B.python_class.mro()
>>> b_instance = B()
>>> assert isinstance(b_instance, A.python_class)
>>> assert EcoreUtils.isinstance(b_instance, A)

Static/Dynamic EOperation, Behind the Scenes

PyEcore also supports EOperation definition for static and dynamic metamodels. For static metamodels, the solution is simple – a simple method with the code is added inside the defined class. The corresponding EOperation is created on the fly. There are some requirements for this. In order to be understood as an EOperation, the defined method must have at least one parameter and the first parameter must always be named self.

For dynamic metamodels, simply adding an EOperation instance in the EClass instance, adds an “empty” implementation:

>>> import pyecore.ecore as Ecore
>>> A = Ecore.EClass('A')
>>> operation = Ecore.EOperation('myoperation')
>>> param1 = Ecore.EParameter('param1', eType=Ecore.EString, required=True)
>>> operation.eParameters.append(param1)
>>> A.eOperations.append(operation)
>>> a = A()
>>> help(a.myoperation)
Help on method myoperation:

myoperation(param1) method of pyecore.ecore.A instance
>>> a.myoperation('test')
NotImplementedError: Method myoperation(param1) is not yet implemented

For each EParameter, the required parameter expresses the fact that the parameter is required or not in the produced operation:

>>> operation2 = Ecore.EOperation('myoperation2')
>>> p1 = Ecore.EParameter('p1', eType=Ecore.EString)
>>> operation2.eParameters.append(p1)
>>> A.eOperations.append(operation2)
>>> a = A()
>>> a.operation2(p1='test')  # Will raise a NotImplementedError exception

You can then create an implementation for the eoperation and link it to the EClass:

>>> def myoperation(self, param1):
...     print(self, param1)
>>> A.python_class.myoperation = myoperation

To be able to propose a dynamic empty implementation of the operation, PyEcore relies on Python code generation at runtime.

EStructuralFeatures and Aliases

PyEcore is able to assign aliases to structural features. These aliases give a new name to access a common property. Here is an example of how the feature alias can be used:

from pyecore.ecore import EClass, EAttribute, EString
from pyecore.utils import alias

class A(object):
  name = EAttribute(eType=EString)


instance = A() = 'myName'
assert instance.surname ==

When an alias is set and the model is serialized, the alias attribute is not serialized in the .xmi. A typical case study for this feature is metamodel compatibility. From time to time it is important to handle some attribute as if they were the old ones, without serializing them. In such a scenario, one can set aliases and reuse old scripts/programs that were handling the old version of the metamodel, without changes to the scripts or programs.

Tips and Tricks

Unpatching the issubclass builtin function

PyEcore patches the issubclass builtin function, mainly for the PyUML2 Project and its UML profile support. The patch should be transparent, but in case it introduce issues in your code, PyEcore provides a context manager that allows you to temporarily unpatch issubclass:

from pyecore.utils import original_issubclass

with original_issubclass():
    # your code here that uses the original issubclass